Hello...and Goodbye...

In the last month so much has come and gone. Yes to all my readers who I have neglected I am sorry.

It’s been a hectic month of running after stories, job hunting, interview pressure and excitement at being offered a job I would not have thought I was the best candidate for.

I have been offered the job of junior journalist at Inter Press Service Africa [www.ipsnews.net]. This is indeed a step up from being the Mail & Guardian intern but the one thing I have to say is that being an intern at the M&G is not like being an intern anywhere else.

Your job description on paper may say intern but in reality you one of the journalists working at the M&G. You are treated no differently and are expected to produce good, quality material at all times or when ever asked of you. I have learnt to write under pressure or relaxed. I have written hard breaking news and features. I have done stories of human interest, global issues, technology and economic issues. I wrote on subjects I had no idea about and through this have learnt a whole lot more.

I am ever grateful to the team at M&G who have nurtured me through the last year. The ones who put their trust in a very fresh young journalist who still needed to learn the ropes. The friendships I have forged with the team I will eternally hold on to.

Now on to the wide world. IPS will be amazing and challenging to work for and honestly … I’m thrilled at the prospect. With IPS there is also the opportunity of international recognition and the hope of travel.

I have the travel bug real bad and this may help that a little. Being based in the Africa office though that will be limited to stories in Africa but I don’t mind. I can honestly not wait.

Hopefully I don’t fall flat on my face though…but come what may I really look forward to it.

This last month has also seen other developments. I have become attached to my social mediums and have learnt that people I thought I knew are not the ones I really know. I have learnt that sometimes your friends are the ones you least expect. A few past friends have now renewed their friendships with me…makes me wonder why they stopped in the first place and I question their motives now but I gladly open my arms to them as we all have been through to much together not to. But I’m glad for these life lessons.

I’m so going to miss everyone here at M&G…

Love you all lots!!!



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So the Spanish finally did it after a 44 year drought. I have to say though that they did definitely outplay the Germans though there were times of German brilliance and attack that left me wondering if the Spanish could keep there one goal score line in tack. I watched the final with Killa and I know it was hard on him to see his team go out like that. to read his full match report check it out on Swoosh0018. Though he will kill me for blogging this I had to share my excitement.

All in all i'm hoping that this some what young Spanish side will live to their full potential and grace us with their presence in 2010.


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