Beautiful, Dangerous, Amazing, astonishing, awe-inspiring, awesome, exciting, hair-raising, heart-stirring, impressive, magnificent, moving, overwhelming, spine-tingling, stunning, thrilling, God Fearing.......
You get the picture....
Well Check these out...

3 Tattooed my Soul:

Anonymous said...

Amazing pix...are the 1st 2 real?

ZK said...

hi all pics here are real this storm happened last thursday was awesome...and destructive watching it was like watching a fireworks display in heaven...or rather i imagine thats what it would be like...

Anonymous said...

i was asking because of the distortion in the 1st 2 pix...seemed like it was altered with Photoshop or something.

what camera do u use? i've got a Sony, and can't get good night shots; and according to my bro, you can't get good night shots with a digital camera unless u have a tripod.

but your pix came out amazing :)

(plus, the location looks really familiar...i recognise roughly where u took the pix from, i mean)

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