
Been watching Cars again...what a little brilliant movie and made me think of some of my favourite animated movies. I have to say that my fav must definitely be Monsters Inc. after that I guess it'll be Finding Nemo, Shrek and Shrek2...So guys which are your favourite animated movies. I guess I enjoy the whole idea behind animated movies. Its like you able to lose yourself in the moment and maybe relive a piece of your childhood. Keeps us young and lets us enjoy the experience even more. I could list all the animated movies I love but whats the point if I don't at least try to explain the reasons of my fascination.

Animation allows one to enjoy the movie with out really having to deal with the fact that it may be some world star actor/actress. Yes, I know that they most probably doing the voice overs but seriously the true genius comes from the creators and that's amazing all on its own.
Can you imagine a movie racking in millions of dollars in its opening week and its all through the creators...hmmm interesting ain't it?
They write the story, they produce the characters, they draw it, they give them life...
And we totally love it!!!

So guys give me your 5 favourite (recent) animated movies ( I know I'm making it difficult by saying 5 but hey can't write them all!). Here are mine in no particular order:

1. Monsters Inc.

2. Shrek
3. Finding Nemo
4. Ice Age
5. Cars

.....And lots lots more not forgetting Toy Story...

*******To Infinity and Beyond************

(Yes I know they all Pixar films but what can i say they are really good)
And Yes I did not forget about Disneys classics like Aladdin and Lion King...but I'm looking at the new animated world.

10 Tattooed my Soul:

M Junaid said...

i really enjoyed this post i yearn for traditional animation. there's too much of this digital animation shit
here's my list

shark tale
ice age 2
toy story

think i'l do a post like this :P

M Junaid said...

oh - one more thing - not all are pixar movies - namely, shrek and ice age (ice age was released by 20th century fox and shrek was released by dreamworks)

ZK said...

Hey you yes I know lol I was talking about the majority and before I posted i had to re-edit my list I just couldn't make up my mind about the ones I liked best lol
Ya go head do a post make more sense of my wonderment of my childhood heheheh

mazozo said...

Hehe this is a fun one dig the idea here you go

1. Ice Age
2. Shrek
3. Finding Nemo

ZK said...

Welcome mazozo hehe kewl choices though i think madagascar lacked the charisma of the others

mazozo said...

LOl no I just love Madgascar for that song I like to move it move it u like to move it move it we like to move it!

J said...

hey i think you and I have alot in common...
I loved:

The Prince of Egypt
Monsters inc
Finding Nemo
Shrek 2

I liked these, but not as much as the above:
Toy Story 1&2, Lion King and Shark Tale

Was not a huge fan of:
I hated "I like to move it" in Madagascar! That damn lemur had the potential to be the best character in the film, but he spoilt it the minute he started singing...While I'm here, I hate that damn cellphone company's meerkat, too. Impaired my dignity with his nakedness...

S said...

sigh. I posted a whole list here in November.Its lost somewhere

ZK said...

Aw sorry Dew...come on repost repost you know you wanna :)
I gotta agree with you joe madagascar was well only worth a wee amount.
Btw guys guess wat i watched...
it is so totally adorable worth the feel good watch it is. There are momoents though that bored me but its a goody o and the spanish penguins would keep you going good one to robin williams.

mazozo said...

Awww you'll hated the lemur damn that was my fav lol oh well lol then agen i always had bad taste or just like the absolute strange hehe

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