hmmm this is me trying with a cellphone
trying to capture the beauty of the Madinah Minarats
and Allahs beautiful creation of the moon and the stars
Not the best of pictures but maybe some of you can feel the power I felt that night
The night being last year December (9th) just before Hajj
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12 Tattooed my Soul:

J said...

Looks like you were trying to create an effect with all the glow and double imagery. It's a beautiful picture, the cellphone's limited focus and grainy quality give it character...especially against the dark sky. Good eye for composition and great sense of the dramatic. I'm boring you, aren't I? I'll leave now...but is a really expressive picture. I like it. :)

ZK said...

Thanks joe you giv me inspiration to keep taking grainy pics with my phone.
Wat was even wierder was i was taking it while walking coz some tyms da harram guards can be faulty.

Junaid said...

that's an awesome picture - can't wait to see 'em in real life...

ZK said...

thanks kindly gud person...and inshallah you will as will every muslim Ameen

Mohamed Karolia said...

Cool pic! I love the glow around the minarets very ethereal.


M Junaid said...

yeah - i like it as well. camera pics have their own aura about them

Anonymous said...

hehehe its a gr8 pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arshad said...

salmz... kewl blog.
lyk the pic of d minarets..

ZK said...

Ws to all thanks guys :)

Unknown said...

tat a very pretty picture zoe!!!

Anonymous said...

love d pic.!! may we all get the oppurtunity to experience it..and come back changed individuals, to stop focusing ALL our attention on this temporary life. to make a difference now in our lives so that we can reap the benifits in the hereafter..

ZK said...

Ameen reality

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