The Bookish Scholar....?

Hey this relates to something on MJADS blog with regards to soulmates. If you lost check it out at his site. Also I just caught him in the act hehehe

4 Tattooed my Soul:

M Junaid said...

Next time you take a picture of me in my office with students, take a picture of the other side - without the clutter and boxes of paper. my little green lizard is on the table - its my favourite. i've got a pair of them. Pretty hot students hey guys ;)

Bilal said...

Lol- his post makes sense now:)
I couldn't figure out how ONE guy could have SO many different options:P
MJAD- respect dude:P

ZK said...

lol yah now it all makes sense....

M Junaid said...

People please. MJAD is an acronym, not a nickname :)Zoe, i cant find the post - please tell me where it is on mxit

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