Family Bonding...

I’m sitting watching cricket and soccer with my dad, actually we fighting over the remote, but this is not what’s making me write this.
Out of the blue my dad decides to remind me of the fact that I can’t sing. Yes people I can’t hold a note to save my life. He reminds me of a time long gone. When I was small my dad used to tease and taunt (how cruel) me about the fact I couldn’t sing. It used to be so horrid that I used to sit in the corner of our dining room on the window sill and cry and shout that I could sing better then him…Imagine a chubby little child with tears flowing down her cheeks proclaiming to the world she could sing. How incredibly reminiscent I feel right now. I actually long for that time again.

But yes daddy dearest was right I still can’t sing lol never could then never can now…
And why all this well he laughs telling me I listen to too much music but I still can’t sing *sigh*
*evil daddy just evil*

*ME EVIL*EFG* l__l

9 Tattooed my Soul:

Mohamed Karolia said...

Awwwwww look at the cute baba awwwwwwwww. so adorable :)

I cant sing but i still sing in my car and head bang to metallica hehe, just do it hehe :)

ZK said...

yah yah from those days i always wanted a motorbike :D

Hey i can't sing but i sure as hell keep doing so :) in my head in the car in the shower at kareoke and with my life :)

Ashoo said...

sooo cute ~~~ to some u may not be able to sing, but to others every word would be melodious... so keep singing ma .. whereva it may be .. u gonnna try out for Idols this year? lets give it try hmm

TRIMS n THINGS said...

haZZit chick...dont wori 3, cant sing...lest jus dance ...n howz about a bike:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SO CUTE! *pinch cheeks*
Well, I can't sing either, but what the it anyway :)

ZK said...

Yah the bike will def have Zoe-ZN me went yday to check about getting licence lol
Don't pinch the chicks fati lol
I can't sing but who cares i still do it anyway lol

S said...

oh man I 've always loved your dad.
even if he did make us wait in the hot sun because our line wasn't straight enough...OCD I tell you.

ZK said...

lol shame poor dew o well it did wonders for the tan ;)

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